Why do you think sages do not go out and announce that they are realized? The moment they try to explain it to others, words limit them, how can infinite define itself using finite medium? Next moment, silence which is an infinite medium draws them in and gives them shelter for eternal. Why does silence come in to picture here? Because the moment you try to explain your state to others, you instantly realize about the foolishness that you are trying hard to explain your own state to yourself. The moment you come across contradictory state, silence comes and unites with you and you merge into eternal which never tries to explain itself to itself, it is on it’s own, it is content, it is that. That ‘it is’.
Congratulations friend, your search is over and now you have seen and became that light or aware of that light. Be very careful about false forces that try to make you hungry for praise and recognition for what you have achieved. Be still in the truth that there is no one to praise, now because you have seen that light, you have actually become that light, there is no one to praise you, only you exist, consciousness in you is complete, pure and eternal. It doesn’t need any praise which is just a concept of mind. These false forces will ask you to serve people, and when you show no interest, these forces will try to create guilt in you, they will say “If you are realized, what have you done to the humanity?”. They fail to understand that it is their world where there are problems and concepts like humanity and in-humanity. They fail to understand that being a single wave they are talking to the Ocean itself which treats every wave equally and doesn’t color or tamper with them. Let objects shine with your light, do not worry about the reflections and objects illuminated, they cannot change light, which is you. Don’t worry, now that you have reached the source, great silence is with you, it will take you to your source whenever needed without your effort, and will show you time to time that it is you and you are that. Rest in peace, what you have seen is not delusion, delusion changes with time, truth doesn’t. You know it, you know that, you are that. That ‘It Is’.
Congratulations friend, your search is over and now you have seen and became that light or aware of that light. Be very careful about false forces that try to make you hungry for praise and recognition for what you have achieved. Be still in the truth that there is no one to praise, now because you have seen that light, you have actually become that light, there is no one to praise you, only you exist, consciousness in you is complete, pure and eternal. It doesn’t need any praise which is just a concept of mind. These false forces will ask you to serve people, and when you show no interest, these forces will try to create guilt in you, they will say “If you are realized, what have you done to the humanity?”. They fail to understand that it is their world where there are problems and concepts like humanity and in-humanity. They fail to understand that being a single wave they are talking to the Ocean itself which treats every wave equally and doesn’t color or tamper with them. Let objects shine with your light, do not worry about the reflections and objects illuminated, they cannot change light, which is you. Don’t worry, now that you have reached the source, great silence is with you, it will take you to your source whenever needed without your effort, and will show you time to time that it is you and you are that. Rest in peace, what you have seen is not delusion, delusion changes with time, truth doesn’t. You know it, you know that, you are that. That ‘It Is’.
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