Qualities, behaviour, conduct, discipline, blah blah blah have nothing to do with realization. If someone tells you that a realized person does so and so and behaves in a certain way. Do not subscribe to such thoughts, it is plain bullshit. External behaviour etc etc have nothing to do with inner state. Now do not argue that realized person may be a mass murderer and all, how come he is a realized person? Again bullshit, without being realized don’t jump on to conclusions. First realize and then let the world know what it is and what did you do. Realized person does nothing internally, although he is doing everything externally. That doesn’t mean he will engage himself in everything outside, he lives every moment afresh and situations cannot pressurize him whatsoever. He will do what is needed at that moment. Now do not argue that, what if that particular moment he kills someone. Again bullshit, realized person is aware that he cannot kill consciousness, because it’s him eternal, timeless and perfect being! How foolish it is to involve in such actions. These negative things are in your head, you created them, you have colored your world. Realized person’s world is perfect, he will never get any situation where he does something and then feels guilty. Guity, happy, sorrow, good, bad, right, wrong blah blah are your own concepts. They all are false concepts and mind’s creation. He is silence and in silence, no one does anything. That exists in itself.
Conclusions are false. The moment you conclude something it is not true. The state which points to nothing and points to everything at the same time is eternal, timeless and perfect state. Do not identify yourself with any thought that points to something. Nothing is right in this world, and nothing is wrong at the same time, they both are related and hence they are false. The moment you reject something religiously or follow something religiously then you are blind. State where you cannot conclude anything, state which is indescribable using words and experience itself! is eternal, timeless and perfect! No words can explain the truth. You need to experience it, and moreover you need to experience that experience. You need to be aware of awareness, conscious of consciousness.
Can you own all the knowledge in this world? No!
Can you find out answers to all the questions you have? No!
You know what, we are afraid of state where we come from. If I say that I will send you to a state where you cannot learn anything, cannot create opinions, cannot judge things, cannot conclude anything, cannot question anything, cannot think anything, cannot reason about any concept, you will be afraid to go there. That fear is ignorance, and that state is purest, eternal, timeless and perfect.