Ocean gives birth to innumerable number of waves. Reality is that, wave cannot be separated from ocean as such, but if wave claims its individuality then that's an illusion and wave is bonded in its own illusory assumption. In this analogy, ocean is infinite consciousness and wave is a Jiva. Jiva assuming individuality, creates and imagines material that it owns and struggles to acquire and protect it throughout it's imaginary lifetime.
You might have seen Shiva Linga. Ellipsoid structure of the linga represents infinite consciousness. Surrounding boundary represents Maya, primal illusion that has no starting and no ending. When Maya seem to surround infinite consciousness then Jiva comes into being. Ash and other materials such as butter, milk, sugar, turmeric, flowers etc etc applied on Linga (can be seen Figure left and center) represents materials that Jiva assumed as its own. On top of Linga, container filled with water is tied which drips water drop by drop (as seen in top right Figure), this water washes away slowly and steadily the materials that is stuck to Linga. Here container filled with water represents wisdom, using wisdom and discrimination slowly and steadily Jiva gets detached to material that it created from nowhere and assumed to be its own. Once Jiva clears all the material attachments to itself, Jiva becomes free and liberates itself. That is, Jiva becomes Shiva.
This is the beautiful story of bonded Jiva meeting its beloved to become eternally free and unite with Supreme.
This lore of bondage and liberation of Jiva is encoded in our daily ritual of worshiping of Shiva Linga.