Saturday, August 10, 2013

Happiness not greater than Sorrow

Everyone hates sorrow

I must tell you that, happiness is equally dreadful

Both are same

Detaching with sorrow and attaching to happiness is like, enjoying the pleasure of scratching an infected wound. It feels so good when you scratch it, but because of that, wound gets bigger and then it feels ugly and start to pain.

Therefore, both should be treated a like. It is not required to express as if you treat them alike, but within it must be clear that you are dealing with equally treacherous entity when you are happy.

Bliss is not happiness. Don't keep mixing these concepts. Bliss doesn't depend on both happiness or sorrow, even in extreme sorrow, firm realization that this is something that is not happening to you is the bed of blissfulness where you rest while your body seem to be reacting, shedding tears.

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