Astrology is basically is a group of systems, traditions, and beliefs which hold that the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details can provide information about personality, human affairs and other "earthly" matters. Question is, is it just a belief or fact?
How can planetary motions and positions affect our mental and physical state?
I recently came across an argument of whether relative positions of celestial bodies w.r.t earth affects human body and mind or not. According to Planetary Angular Momentum Theory which is a recent research topic in earth Sciences, according to which planetary configuration can affect the earth's gravitation. According to recent research it has been confirmed that, when two or more than two planets, Sun and Moon are aligned more or less in line (0 or 180 degree) with the Earth, then the Earth would be caught in the middle of a huge gravity struggle between the Sun and the planets. The gravitational stresses would change the speed of the earth in its orbit. When the speed of rotation of the earth changes the tectonic plate motion also gets affected. This results in earthquakes and high tidal calamities like Tsunami etc. For further scientific reference and results:
Now simple thing to ponder upon is, when planetary motion can affect the whole earth's gravitation and we are part of the system being affected, won't it affect our body and mental state? The human body is constructed to exist in a gravitational environment; everything from blood flow to our sense of balance is influenced by the gravitational pull of the earth. Astronauts who spend protracted periods of time in weightless conditions suffer a number of physiological problems, from chemical imbalances and decalcification of bones to heart irregularities.
Sages have studied and have meticulously recorded the relation between planetary motions and our planet and human body and mind. Basically they created a rule base using which we can map the planetary positions with recorded effects they create on us.
Now, does astrology make sense to you?
Note: this post is not to make you believe in Astrology, instead my sincere attempt to understand it better.
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